The furniture is uniquely designed and handcrafted in a small family workshop just for the needs of Heritage Hotel Liberan.


The hotel prides itself on having its own ecological production of a rich varity of vegetables.


Get in the pool, relax and float, get out, lie on a deck chair, sip a cocktail, read a good book, get back in the pool and repeat everything! Sounds good?


Our workshops are designed to fulfill unfulfilled desires and discover undiscovered talents.

Throughout the stay we will affect all your senses:

What you see

Stunning view

Where you walk

Through beautiful surrounding

What you smell

Fresh sea and mountain air

What you taste

Local food & wine

Where you swim

In our infinity pool & clean blue sea

What you touch

The nature that surrounds you

Our mission

We want to enable our guests to return to their roots, to enable them to experience the power of nature in order to rediscover their inner self and regain their forgotten strength.

This place inspires with natural sounds and smells,with fantastic views, with forgotten tastes.

Awakenings in Liberan are without the sounds of the city. You will experience only the distant chirping of birds, the light, soothing sound of water overflowing in the infinity pool and your own thoughts.

After dinner, go for a walk not far from Liberan. Look at the sky. Believe it or not, all those stars have always been there, you just couldn’t notice them from the city lights.

We are not focused on you just as a guest, our focus lies on what’s essential: an honest conversation, companionship, listening and learning from each other. We will find your point of interest, your forgotten desire and give you a push in that direction.


Word of our Guests


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